Thursday 5 May 2011

Beware of Islam

The recent "victory" claimed by the United States government, the killing of Osama Bin Laden, seems a good thing at first. However, it's really just another poke in the eye of this back and forth between the western world and Islam, (or maybe between Christianity and Islam?) A retaliation is sure to follow, that's just the way it works. So while the American people are celebrating in the street, I'd be running for cover.

The government has always avoided calling this war what it really is. It's not a war on Islam, oh no, it's a war on terror. What exactly is “terror?” Is it a country? An organisation? Well, no! In truth it is a religion. The most evil and cruel of all the ridiculous faiths out there. What person in a civilised society would claim to own a women? What civilised man would have his own daughter killed for wanting to marry someone who doesn't believe in the same fictitious god as her? What “culture” would enforce the penalty of death for apostasy (rejecting one's faith)? Of all the religions this is surely the worst, the most violent, the most oppressive.

So what now? We sit back and wait for a reply? Wait for a revenge attack that will no doubt come? Maybe that's all we can do. You can't reason with such strength of conviction, such is the power of childhood indoctrination. They seem no more able convince their own minds of the truth than we are to convince them. The free thinkers of the world can merely sit back and watch the chaos unfold, helpless to intervene. If we do say something, we apparently “offend” their precious beliefs and risk our own lives. It seems Islam has no concept of free speech. I suppose all we can hope for is that our intelligence services can intercept the forthcoming attacks. Good luck to them, they have quite a job on their hands, and will do for many years to come.

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